Thursday, November 3, 2011

I used to think that God lived at the beach. I used to think that it was the only place that I could really find Him, and see His handiwork, and be still before Him. It probably started back in the days before I really knew Him, where under an altered influence I would sit on the beach and stare at the night sky, feeling the pulse of the universe around and through me. NOT exactly the best way to hear from the Sovereign God, by the way, but at the time I thought it worked just fine.

So now, here I am, years later, and I still think that the best place to find God is at the beach. My bags are packed, I'm ready to walk out the door, and yet, something is stopping me. Oddly enough, I think it's God.

But if God lives at the beach, and I am going there to find more of Him again, why in the world would He stop me? Why would He reach out and place His hand on my heart and say, no, not now? I thought His address was like 333 Holiness Way, Ocean Place, or something like that.

I believe what He is speaking to my heart at this very moment is this: I can be found anywhere. There is no special magical place where I dwell on earth, other than your heart, through My Spirit in you. And that should be enough.

and it is.

But it sure is hard listening to Him sometimes. I am packed. I am ready to go. And He is saying no. Most of you, like the two of you who read this, may think, um, she's crazy. God doesn't care about stuff like that. But He does. And I have walked with Him long enough to know that listening to Him, as hard as it may be, is the only choice to make at a time like this. It's not easy. But it's best.

so if you live near the ocean, please tell it hi for me, I miss it fiercely. And hopefully I'll see it again, sooner than later. But until then, I will remain landlocked here in tennessee, in hopes that listening to God is better than any pounding surf or the feel of the sand between my toes, better than the warmth of the sun, the smell of the sea air, and the joy of bounding through the water like a dolphin. He is better by far. I'm just glad I still know how to listen.

and what's next? I don't know. But I will walk by faith, and not by sight, and trust His plan will always be immeasurably better than my own.

right now, though, I'm going to Starbucks. <3

Monday, October 31, 2011

funny how I always have so much to say and when i go to write I can't find any words. It's the same with music lately, I have so much music that needs words, and I can't find any. None. So I'm going to the beach. to the ocean. to say hi to God, and spend some time with Him in front of one of the most beautiful and expansive things He has ever made. I love it. i love the smell, the sounds, the feel, all of it. and it's time. It's been too long. So if you need me, that's where you will find me, in the surf, in my chair, or just rolling around in the sand like a child, enjoying the pure joy of being alive. Don't know if I'll be gone for a week or 6 months, but I'm just going. not to stay, but to go. Life is too short. so...see you in a few...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Been over a year since I had anything to write. Don't really know why. It's not that life hasn't been happening, but, maybe like John Mayer, I've fallen out of love with everyone needing to know what I'm thinking. Difference between him and me is people actually read what he writes, but the points the same. :) I don't know, I like writing, I do, but lately I've been doing most of it with a pen and paper, and doing it just for me. and it's been nice.